Time Out Rio de Janeiro

Espaço Rio Design

VIP or even just IP, its rather smart here.

Espaço Rio Design

Prices from R$ 19 to R$ 40Mon-Thu R$19, R$25 (3D), R$32 (VIP) Fri-Sun R$24, R$29 (3D, R$40 (VIP)

Major cards accepted

Avenida das Américas 7777, Barra da Tijuca

Telephone (21) 2438 7590

Nearby Stations
Metrô Bus Barra

Espaço Rio Design website

If cinema is your bag then imagine the scene; after a long day at work the traffic is terrible and you meet your date just as the film is due to start with no time for popcorn and M&Ms let alone a drink. Already on the back foot, you reach your seat having missed the opening scenes, but find your space remarkably reminiscent to executive-class aeroplane travel. As you slump back in delirious comfort a waitress is on hand to take your order and, within a few minutes of the on-screen action, returns with your ice-cold beer and a bag of crisps. The stuff of dreams? Not since Rio Design Barra kicked off its first-class cinematic experience.

Totally reformed, the space now has three theatres; standard, 3D and VIP. Forget 3D, its old hat, and instead swish your way next door with a loved one and make out like you’re in the privacy of your front room.Two seats together practically make a couch, and its not your mum butting in to ask if you want a glass of milk but an attentive waiter offering the keys to the booze cabinet. Dry Martini, Mr Bond?

Of course all this comes at a premium, and there’'ll be no two-for-one discount coupons going here. But that is precisely the point, keeping the popcorn throwing, cellphone chatting no-marks to the cheap seats while you bask in R$32 worth of luxury (R$40 at the weekends). Just be sure that you have the necessary pep to see you through the length of the film. Those chairs can be a little too comfortable if there is a touch to much ‘'rom' in your ‘'com' and the attention starts to wane.

Words by Time Out Rio de Janeiro editors


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