Joe & Leo's
Rates from R$ 1050 to R$ 1650 breakfast included
Telephone (21) 3322 6715
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Taxi recommended
The rustic, 1960s construction Tuakaza covers 1500 square metres of blessed property with only six suites inside, leaving guests with plenty of space to roam the land without bumping into each other. Opened at the start of 2012, the star attraction is the waterfall-fed natural swimming pool, but the fully-fledged informal atmosphere of life in the forest is perfectly pitched for a rejuvenating stay in the wilds, whilst still being just a short drive from the thick of the action.
Each room takes the name of a Brazilian fruit, as well as the colour, leaving 'Açaí' (pictured) a deep-purple, private-terraced dream, while the rather more modest single room 'Amora' revels in natural light and the view over the greenery to the water. It's the richly orange-coloured 'Mamão' that has the wow-factor, though, with lots of polished dark wood features, living area and a private deck from which to lord over the forest.