Major cards accepted
Open 9am-5pm Tue-Sun
Telephone (11) 5083 3232
1, Santa Cruz
Recently refurbished and reopened to the public in 2008, Casa Modernista was the first modernist building to be constructed in Brazil. It was built by Russian-born Gregori Warchavchik in 1928, who is considered the pioneer of Brazilian modernist architecture. The house had a groundbreaking impact when it was erected – devoid of ornamentation and constructed with giant concrete, white walls. It’s said that to obtain a building permit, Warchavchik initially submitted a plan for a traditional house and, when he had finished, claimed lack of funds to continue the outlined project. Inside is an exhibition on modern architecture and on Sundays there are sometimes classical music and jazz concerts. The garden, planned by his wife Mina Klabin, daughter of an elite Paulista industrialist, was also considered pioneering at the time due to her use and combination of tropical plants. Guided visits are available and some guides also speak English.